The Big Picture - What is Going On?
The World - What’s Going On?
All our wonderful brain can comprehend is what is going on in our 3D world. This is by our own design as part of our set-up that allows us to play this wonderful Game. Yet, those awakening to who they really are know that there is so much more to what is presented to us via the news, social media, and the myriad of opinions expressed in 280 characters or less.
We crossed an ascension threshold at the winter solstice on December 21, 2012. This marker set in motion all that is necessary to evolve our collective consciousness from exploring life in a 3D world to a 5D world . It started a process that would disrupt the very fabric of our existence on Mother Earth. It would set into motion a tumultuous period where those who have been in control for millennia would be required to step aside to usher in a new age of creative exploration. The Mayans new of this, ending their calendar on the solstice. Not to mark the end of the world, but rather, to announce the potential of a new age. But this transition would not be an easy one. There would be no flipping of a switch.
Transferring power would be fraught with drama, traumatic change, and a reckoning for all that lacks integrity or is driven by fear. It would require us to individually and collectively face our fears, release our judgments, and ready ourselves to evolve into a more benevolent, compassionate, and loving human race. What we cannot know is the intensity of this evolutionary ride. How will we face our fears? To what extent will our world need to change?
Those awakening to remember who they really are have a special role in determining the depth and duration of the dramatic change that is upon us. Remember, through free choice, each of us chose to be here at this very special time.
There is so much going on right now. Everywhere you turn established norms are being challenged, bent, or broken. Checks and balances are a thing of the past. You cannot escape it. You are on edge, some are living in deep fear, some are angry, others have tuned out; but many are displaying their natural love and compassion for all.
Every rock is being overturned to reveal our dark ugly side. We are individually and collectively facing our fears and judgments so that we may up-level our experience with Mother Earth and our solar system. Our authoritarian and institutional icons lacking integrity, or no longer serving us, will be either torn down or restructured. We can only ascend to play in a higher dimensional reality when all we have created is supportive of our evolution. The Old Energy is begrudgingly giving way to the New Energy. We are moving away from being controlled by separation, greed, and fear into a higher consciousness of compassion, unity, and a remembrance of who we really are.
Sensitives have long felt the collective conscious’ response to what is going on. When the collective is vibrating at a particular frequency, for example anxiety, sensitives resonate at this same frequency through the Law of Resonance. They become anxious themselves for reasons they cannot quite explain. Their personal lives seem fine, yet they are anxious. In the past, sensitives have shut down, removing themselves from the unknown source of discomfort, our collective consciousness. They shrink away from loved ones, friends, and gatherings in the hope that isolation will allow them to regain their composure. They have long viewed being a sensitive as some sort of curse. This is no longer the case. No one can escape what Mother Earth is presenting us today. It is the time to realize that being a sensitive, one who pursues their spirituality, is a blessing. Each of us has an incredible innate power to create the world we want to live in. This is needed today, more than ever.
What to do?
Our job, if you will, is really quite simple. Those reading this have an intellectual understanding of their spirituality. Each of you is traversing our unique path to remembering who you really are. As you gather more of your consciousness about you, allowing Source energy to flow to and through you, your sensitivities to our collective conscious intensifies. This is simply because of the following two undeniable truths: (1) you are part of Source and (2) we are indeed One. Remember, to play this Game, we all agreed to forget who we really are and pretend to be separate from one another.
It is time to move from a mere intellectual understanding to some form of daily practice that enriches your presence in the now moment. We each need a spiritual practice focused on creating the world we want to live in. Recall that as part of Source, you are a magnificent infinite divine being of Love and Light that creates all there is. As a creator, your power is second to none. Focus on creating the benevolent, compassionate world as often as you can. How do you do this? Clear your energetic field, ground yourself, and most importantly, bring your attention to your heart center and feel your magnificence. Expand from there to encompass all there is. Create the world you want.
You can refresh your memory on these simple activities by reading my other blog posts or reaching out to other resources as listed on my community page. Heart centering is your key. Start the day with what frequency (for example, humor) you wish to play with throughout the day. Put a reminder on your phone (you know you look at it all the time 😊) so you can check in and see how you are vibrating. Remember that you cannot remain in your heart center 24/7. At least not yet. The more you practice, the more you will find your life changing. Fear, anger, distrust, and your resonance with the collective will no longer dominate your consciousness. You will raise your frequency, and through your creative power, raise the frequency of those around you. Be their spiritual light. Lead by example. Get heart centered and experience who you really are. This is our time to change the world. It is your path to lead by example to level up our existence in the universe. You are magnificent!
Love and Light, Brian